Extended Day at The Drama-Play Connection

New this Summer!
A full Drama-Film-Acting Curriculum
open to the community.


Our extended day program gives our students an opportunity to learn new skills and enjoy a variety of activities.   Each workshop is led by an instructor with special knowledge or expertise of the subject matter. 

Each summer, we adapt the workshop schedule to the choices of the students attending.    Here is a list of past workshops offered at The Drama-Play Connection!

We are thrilled to have fencing expert, Cesar Morales, of the International Fencing Club in Chestnut Hill return to DPC this summer.  Fencing is a classic sport that teaches body in space, coordination, and timing.

Film Making and Editing
In this workshop, children learn to create, film, and edit their own movie using Premiere Pro software by Adobe.  Learn more on the Drama, Voice, and Film page.

Photography and Photo Editing
Learn how to use an SLR and digital camera.  Students take pictures and learn how to edit them in Photoshop.

Music Jam
Bring your instrument and learn how to be part of a band.

La, la, la, laaaaaa... 
Students interested in voice learn the basics of singing.  Even advanced students in this workshop work on their own personal singing goals.

Arts and Crafts
Students work on advanced art projects of their choice.

Social Etiquette
Students learn the basics of social etiquette, and finish the workshop with a tea party complete with lots of yummy snacks.

Outdoor Sports / Swimming
Students engage in sports as well as cooperative games and swimming.

Learn the basics of chess, as well as advanced moves and strategies for increasing concentration.

Culinary Arts
Students enjoy learning the finer points of cooking and cuisine.  Something new is “cooked up” each class.

Science Exploration
Students interested in science develop their own projects. 


Supplemental Services
In addition to workshops and activities, The Drama-Play Connection also offers academic tutoring, SAT prep, Speech/Language and Occupational Therapy services for students who need this supplemental support during the summer.




